2007-01-15 - 12:01 p.m.

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Old Entries
(If you care)

I'm in NJ again. Woot!

Saturday, we put track lighting up in Shmuppie's playroom. She had just one overhead light and it was all together too dark in there. So, I decided that track lighting would be a better option. So, we went to Home Depot and bought some. I think it took me too long to put it up, but they're straight. That's a good thing.

So, (easy joke setup here. A prize to the first comment with the right answer) does the fact that I put up track lighting make me gay or does the fact that I know that line's from Steel Magnolias?

It was lovely in NC today (Sunday). I think it was closer to 80 than to 70 and that was good. We all went to the tennis courts to let Shmuppie ride her tricycle. I just laid myself down on the ground and soaked up the warmth of the sun. It felt goooooooood.

My flight was 90 minutes late tonight. Ugh...I could have gone without that, but we did make it out. I think one of me high school English teachers was on my flight. I didn't get a chance to go talk to him so I'll drop him an email and ask if he has an evil twin living in Raleigh.

I got a car with XM in it. I set my channels at the airport; the 80's channel, the 90's channel, ESPN Radio, ESPN News, some comedy shit and The Virus (home of O&A).

So, as I'm cruising up through Ramsey on Route 17, was it wrong of me to be excited to hear "Spice up your Life" on the 90's channel? Is it wrong to have a soft spot in my heart for The Spice Girls? If it's wrong, I don't want to be right.

Could I be any gayer?

I may be a masochist. I think, for fun, while JewelrySlut is in Ireland, I'll take Shmuppie away for a weekend down to the beach. I found a good price on a Sheraton in Atlantic Beach, NC that seems to have a nice indoor pool. It's also close to an aquarium. I haven't made up my mind whether or not we'll go. It might be fun. We might kill each other. Who's to know?

I think I'll go to bed now. More tomorrow (Monday) before I post this mess.

This is awesome. I'm showering this morning and I heard a strange noise. I poked my head out of the shower to see water cascading over the top of my toilet. So, I was in the shower, but knew that if I stepped on the floor of the bathroom, I'd need to be hosed down like a radiation victim. This was not good. And, the water kept coming, so I feared the whole room would start flooding (What is it with me and water?). So, I kinda reached out of the shower, all soapy and nekkid and jiggled the toilet's handle. Miraculously, it stopped flowing. All I needed to do now was develop an exit strategy that did not involve stepping in toilet water.

Having finished showering, I grabbed the 2 remaining bath towels from the rack (to the left of the shower). I then got ready to leap from the shower into the little vanity/dressing area. It's not a far jump, but it was early and I was soaking wet. So, leap I did. Thankfully, I landed safely on the still-dry carpet of the dressing area. I dried off and called the front desk. They sent me an "engineer".

Alas, he was not dressed as a train engineer. Instead, he was a tall skinny dude with a plunger. He plunged twice and left. And, there I stood, looking at a bathroom that was filled with toilet water. Considering that I slept like absolute shit last night, this was shaping up to be a banner week.

All I know is that when I get back to the hotel tonight, I'm having a talk with Dave or Jeannine. I'm not going in my bathroom until I see another "engineer" clean my floor. For all I know, someone is in my room now, wiping the floor with a dirty mop. I don't want my feet to rot off this week. I get the feeling I may need them.

Then, on the way to HealthCareRelatedCompany, I realized that I left my badge in my room. Not that I could get in the building anyway; they deactivated all of RedCompany's badges on December 31 as it is. I needed to get it activated. But, I had forgotten it. So, now I have a visitor badge. That means I can't get through any doors in the building. Oh yea...this is great.

And, my boss is at my desk. I managed to weasel my way into the largest cubicle in the room (despite the fact that I don't work here). But, he's at it. This, of course, is throwing off my phones. My home office is directing people to my desk up here. But, he's at it. I'm at another desk with a different phone number.

Jesus, I just want to go home.

The project I was assigned to in PA may run until May. Can someone just do me a huge favor and bash me in the testicles with a large hammer? It's just going to be easier that way.
