2007-01-09 - 5:11 p.m.

You will be redirected to the new home of NoGoodDaddy in

5 seconds
Later, Dudes. Enjoy the jump.
How many things can I type here that you can read before the page changes? I wonder.
Are you still reading?
Cheese�cheese�cheese�I love cheese


Old Entries
(If you care)

Now I'm pissed.

I'm going to give everyone out there but these
2 a big Fuck You.

I may have moved from there, but it's not that bad. It has some nice parts. But, enough with the fucking smell jokes already.

This is not helping

Not one bit.

You are on notice.

Yea...and since I'm a comments HOAR, according to WCG, it's delurking month or hour or some shit.

I like watching people come to my site from odd places around the globe (or the US).

Who you be?

Before I leave, I owe Nightmare some props for sending me lovely BBQ sauces as settlement of our recent wager. Y-to-the-UM

And, yes, I had my linkage cheat sheet open today. Could you tell?
