2005-12-09 - 11:31 a.m.

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Cheese�cheese�cheese�I love cheese


Old Entries
(If you care)

Not much to say today, so we�ll post a few Pic(k)s of some recent adventures:

�Hello and Welcome to Booger Mountain. Please pick a tree�

I mean, this is going to be funny forever. If you had a choice of �Fred�s Tree Selling Place� or Booger Mountain�it�s a no brainer, isn�t it?

I just had to take that pic(k), right?

So�off to the orthopedist this morning where we took these pictures:

Behold my sexy legs!

And, here�s the left one, taken from the side.

**by the way, the fact that they say �erect� on them cracks me the hell up. And if this shocks you, please refer to the 2nd pic(k) in this set to remember who you�re dealing with**

I had to pay $5 to get those images, so enjoy them, fuckers. They can�t see much from the films. There�s no bone damage which is good, but because I can�t fully extend or flex my knee, I likely have a meniscus tear. I have an MRI scheduled for tonight, and am already scheduled for surgery next Thursday. They will look at the MRI to verify the surgery, but it�s likely. Just a scope, so the chances of me dying on the table are somewhat minimized. I�ll try not to die�I know I�d be missed. For what it�s worth, this site does a nice job showing what I likely have. It�s most likely a �bucket handle� tear. Imagine a �C� written in like bubble letters. Now, kinda slice it into 2 little half-moon shapes. That�s it. When I try to flex my knee, it wants to tear in one direction. When I extend it; the other. So, they go in and shave off a chunk and I should be better.

We shall see. Never a dull moment for the NoGoodDaddy

By the way, please read more drivel at Loopy's Place
