2005-09-12 - 12:42 p.m.

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I hate Steely Dan. Can I say that here? I don�t care. I fucking hate them to death. Like no other group.


On with the program.

What a fun weekend I had. Let�s recap, from Friday afternoon.

Go see Dr.
Take pill
Feel shiny and nauseous
Pass out

I would make a really shitty drug addict. I have no tolerance for medication. I�m on some sort of cold pill now to clear up my chest. I�ll admit that it�s working. My chest tightness is gone and a lot of the congestion is going. However, it�s been replaced with a general feeling of shininess. I can barely see straight. Don�t get me started on trying to speak. At times this weekend, I couldn�t even form sentences.

And, to think, people take pills like this to feel good or something? I don�t know. I can�t imagine how someone could take Vicodin. I took 3 last year when my back was all whacked out. I took 1 per day for 3 days and was asleep the whole time. No euphoria�just sleep.

So, I�m exhausted. The pills make me sleepy but also manage to wire me so I can�t sleep. Really, it�s fun.

We�re driving straight into Ophelia tomorrow. That should be fun. The weather looks like it should be passing Myrtle Beach by the time we arrive. We may have a shitty Wednesday, but the rest of the week looks to be good. Whatever�as long as I can drink rum and look at the ocean, I�m fine.

Speaking of shitty�Little Miss Shittypants is back to her old ways. She god a cold and totally fell off the wagon. When we went to �the library� (They actually let me take books home from there�more to come), JewelrySlut got a few books on potty training. We�re doing it �right�; it�s just that we have a stubborn subject. The latest approach was to put Shmuppie in regular underpants and let he piss herself�figuring that feeling wet would be bad. So, the 2 of them spent the weekend on the deck because we didn�t want piss on the carpets. Shmuppie because very good at lifting her dress after each piss and announcing �Look�I went peepees.� This morning, after sitting on the can, she put her pants back on and immediately shit herself. JewelrySlut was ready to strangle her.

So, at the �library�, I got 5 books. 2 more Bill Bryson adventures, 1 Joe Queenan, a Laura Ingrahm and Bob Woodward�s Bush at War.

I love Bill Bryson. The guy�s awesome. He�s funny as hell but manages to really tell a good story and teach you a thing or 3 along the way. Read anything he�s written. It�s more than worth it.

I also love Joe Queenan. He�s such a mean spirited son of a bitch. I love him to death. He skewers everything in his path. He�s horribly cruel to pop culture. Go pick up anything he�s written. I get the feeling that if you�re even remotely amused by my incoherent nonsense, he will delight you. If I could write full time, I�d want to write like him.

I picked up Laura Ingrham�s Shut up and Sing. I used to like her and wanted to see exactly how insane her book is. Her point, in my opinion, is valid; Just because you make records or act in movies does not mean that I care about your politics. But, Ms. Ingrham seems to have gone off the deep end lately. See, I�m a very devoted listener of Don Imus. Have been since I was 14. I make no apologies for being so. Judge me as you will. She used to be one of maybe 3 women who were able to stand up to the I-Man and not take his carp (Doris Kearns Goodwin and Andrea Mitchell). She was funny and only a little bit crazy. Ever since the 2000 election (coincidentally, also when the whole political world lost its mind), she�s gone insane. I want to read just exactly how insane she is.

And, Bush At War was supposed to be good. Not to delve too far into politics, but I really wonder how W will be viewed in 40 years. I know a lot of people hate him, but the dude�s had one mess after another to deal with. I�m not saying that if we didn�t have all the adversity of the past 4 years that he�s be a great President, but, lordy lord, who did he piss off to get all this shit? I voted for the guy twice. What can I say? Al Gore? John Kerry? Come on�give me a break. So, the book should be interesting.

I really have nothing else to say. I�m so tired. I think I�ll go lie down on my couch and pretend to work.
