2005-06-23 - 4:05 p.m.

You will be redirected to the new home of NoGoodDaddy in

5 seconds
Later, Dudes. Enjoy the jump.
How many things can I type here that you can read before the page changes? I wonder.
Are you still reading?
Cheese�cheese�cheese�I love cheese


Old Entries
(If you care)

We're here.

It ain't pretty and I don't have a lot of strenggth left, but, when I do, the mother of all entries is coming. Let's put it this way, if it COULD go wrong, it did...a few times.

But, we're here and there are less boxen than a few minutes ago. We almost have something that resembles a house at this point.

If anyone's been saying little sanity prayers, thanks. If someone's been poking a NoGoodDaddy voodoo doll, please stop doing so, my back is sore enough as it is and I need a break.

It's hot and our AC is busted.
