2005-04-14 - 4:19 p.m.

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How many things can I type here that you can read before the page changes? I wonder.
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Cheese�cheese�cheese�I love cheese


Old Entries
(If you care)

Quick thoughts:

I got my images from DangerSpouse . I�ll post tem when I have half a second and talk about how much of a lazy, porn watching, masturbating, broadcasting on a phone from a cave mofo he really is.

I feel the need to post a parenting-related entry.
Feyg and Nightmare think they can write a book about it, and only they can do it justice because they don�t have kids.
WCG has some of her own thoughts, as does The Pimp . Of course, we don�t know anything, seeing as we have kids.

Though, due to the incredible number of requests (thanks Xquzme for the pending award), I�ll have to post the pic of Shmuppie in a dog cage now.

I�ll say, for the record your honor, that while visiting Grandpa in FLA in February, she climbed in all by herself and even locked the door. She had fun.

Oh�I�ve been invited to play in a Texas Hold�em tournament next Friday. I�ve never played Holdem for money before and haven�t played any real poker in like 2 years or more. Does anyone have any advice? All I know is that it�s for a charity, there�s a $100 buy in and there�s awards. No money, because that would be real I guess. All I want is not to go down first. I have no doubt that I�ll do quite shittily.

And, lastly, I have a coworker in Wisconsin. Let�s call her CheeseHead (I know�real fucking original). Well, we like to talk about all sorts of nonsense. I brought up the whole Cat Hunting thing just to get her riled up. Wow, did I ever hit paydirt! She�s pissed as all getout about it.
We wondered a few things:
How does one hunt a cat?
What does one do with the dead cats? Usually, if one kills a deer or muskox or something, they put its head on the wall or eat it. Stop for a moment and imagine a den filled with stuffed cat heads. I�ll wait for you to wipe the piss off your pants�
Picture it if you will.

Well, I have like 900 emails to answer and send, so I have to go now.

Later, and happy hunting.
