2005-08-08 - 11:15 a.m.

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So, I have a flight this afternoon to go back to NJ yet again. As of Thursday, I wasn�t coming. Then, Friday came and I was needed. So, back on a plane I go�I�ll be in NJ for 25 hours. Should be fun.

The other night, we�re eating dinner. We were wrapping up and I was starting to clear the table. From behind me, I heard a ruckus. Seems Shmuppie has spit milk all over herself and the table. Lately, she likes to take a swig of whatever liquid she�s drinking and slosh it around in her mouth. This time, she decided to spit it out. JewelrySlut had to take time to explain that good girls always swallow. Spitting is rude.

Yup�parents of the year. That�s us.

I think we relaxed this weekend. It was hot, but then again, it�s always ho here. On Saturday, we all went to Sears to get big outdoor plastic shed-things. Our downstairs patio has been a mess lately and we finally have it cleaned up. Tools, kid toys, saw horses, and other shit is now all put away. I am now happy. Then, Shmuppie and I went shopping. We have a store here, Fresh Market. We should not go there alone. One of us should always go with the other to offer supervision. I managed to spend $85.00 without blinking an eye. I spent $25 of it on wine. They have a wine that we like. It�s called Fossi something or another. All we know is that they make a red and a white AND they come in big bottles AND they�re cheap. They also had a wine called �Cheap White Wine�. It comes in a bottle with a plain brown paper label. Needless to say, I was sucked in. I also bought fixins for Saturday�s dinner. I got some sushi, some bread, some ground sirloin (for Brontosaurus burgers) and some cookies (that�s nutrition). That accounted for like $30.00.

The other $25.00 was spent on 2 steaks.

That�s a lot for steaks, I know�.

But, Wednesday is my birthday. That means 3 things.

1: I grill steaks for dinner
2: JewelrySlut makes me potato salad
3: There�s a cake coming. Go here to see why this is an anticipated event. It�s on order and will be picked up while I�m away. While nothing can ever match Big E�s cake, this should be fun.

Yesterday, we played a little golf out back, and did some transplanting. Having survived the trip down, the houseplants are thriving and taking over the deck. We went out and bought a bunch of new pots and planters. We then replanted a bunch of stuff and sweated the afternoon away.

All in all, it was a dull, relaxing weekend. I�m not at all excited about getting on a plane tonight. I have a bad feeling about tomorrow. Not anything like crashing, but I get a feeling I�m in for a rough airport experience. I smell a major delay in my immediate future. I�m not in the mood.

We shall see.
